12 September 2011
02 August 2011
20 June 2011
13 June 2011
26 May 2011
24 May 2011
I like markers
Voodoo Crowman, Pen, ink and markers. I started out thinking his siluette was just a big hunchback ball of fur, and then the head, arms and skinny long legs were just poking out.
Chewie! Pen and markers.
Senior Mutant Turtle, Pen, ink, markers and akryll paint on pizza cardboard. Was thinking of making a little 2d animation of him..
..and therfore I made a little maquette. Made of supersculpey and fimo.
10 May 2011
08 May 2011
Vilppu day
18 April 2011
Project Quadruped: Sphynx
The Sphynx from Paolo Giandoso on Vimeo.
03 April 2011
Stop Motion Puppet work in progress
Maquette turnaround from kristian theman on Vimeo.
Maquette I made for a stop motion puppet.
Modelsheet and some sketches of the character.
The Puppet in progress. Still figuring out how to do the head. Thinking of replacable mouthshapes and movable eyebrows.
28 February 2011
Action shot
ACtion Shot from kristian theman on Vimeo.
A stretchy superhero escapes from a bad explosion. Anime action cartoony style!
18 February 2011
Jump & Run!
Jump & run! from kristian theman on Vimeo.
Jump and a run cycle test animations with the armature and rig.
12 February 2011
Showreel for February!
A short showreel for what I've done in Viborg so far. First is the Diolog acting shot we had for the Midway Test (1 week). Second is drinking the wrong stuff acting scene, and last a 4 legged cow walk.
Showreel Feb 2011 from kristian theman on Vimeo.
05 February 2011
This is the first animation I did at the Animation Workshop. The theme was "Drinking the wrong stuff", and it had to be 150 frames. It's about a scientist/professor who drinks his super potion!
WrongStuff from kristian theman on Vimeo.